Challenges Faced by Undergraduates in the Online Classroom of English Medium Higher Education Institution in the UAE (77327)
Session Chair: Doaa Hamam
Sunday, 14 July 2024 16:55
Session: Session 5
Room: G10 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
During the unprecedented events of the COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions had to shift to online teaching. This included the UAE higher education sector, where teachers were well-versed in technology with tech-savvy students who use technology daily in different contexts. This study focuses on the main challenges faced by undergraduates in online classes. Main challenges and variables were identified based on the existing body of literature, and a sample of 424 students were surveyed to explore the challenges they faced during online learning and to measure the level of their satisfaction with the overall experience. The study concluded that technological skills, self-directed learning, and learning motivation did not have a significant impact on the students' online learning satisfaction. However, the main variables, “online interaction” and "Attitude towards online learning" only had the most significant positive impact on online learning satisfaction.
Doaa Hamam, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Jacqueline Lottin, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Yasir Javid, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Nabila Azzam, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Ja'far Alqatawna, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Doaa Hamam is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Higher Colleges of Technology in United Arab Emirates
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