Enhancing English Language Learning: Examining One-on-One Peer Tutoring for Low-Achieving EFL Students in a Taiwanese Military Academy (77931)
Session Chair: Ta-Wei Wang
Sunday, 14 July 2024 10:05
Session: Session 1
Room: G12 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This research aimed to investigate the outcomes of cross-year peer tutoring involving 26 freshman tutees and 26 upper-class tutors in a distinctive military setting. Grounded in the principles of social constructivist learning theory (Vygotsky,1978) and legitimate peripheral participation in a community of practice (Lave & Wenger,1991), this study delved into the contextual dynamics of a one-on-one peer tutoring model employing an apprenticeship approach to assist underperforming English learners in a Taiwanese military institution. After an 18-week program, assessments of pre- and post-English tests, tutee feedback, and interviews with tutors and tutees demonstrated a substantial improvement in the students' English skills and their favorable attitudes toward the initiative. Furthermore, the unique attributes of military culture, such as hierarchical relationships and conformity, influenced the tutor-tutee dynamic. The peer tutors' dual roles as authorities and facilitators necessitated careful management. This study illustrates how the distinctive elements of military culture shape interactions between learners and more knowledgeable peers, as both parties collaborate to learn through practical experience and develop positive relationships. It contributes to the refinement of social constructivist learning theory by introducing the concept of a situated community of practice.
Yu-Ju Hung, Air Force Academy, Taiwan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Yu-Ju Hung is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at R.O.C. Air Force Academy in Taiwan
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