“Gotta Blend ’Em All” Morphological Blending in Pokémon Names (79263)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Poster Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Poster Presentation
Pokémon is one game that always provides its fans with new names of new Pokémon. In this research, the writer would like to investigate word-formation theory limited to Blending theory. The study investigates Blending theory morphotactically, morphonologically, and morphosemantically by Mattiello (2013). The object of this research is Pokémon names. This is chosen because many word formations are used to create Pokémon names. This research aims to find the kinds of Blending used in Pokémon names and how significant blending is used for naming the Pokémon. The data are collected from a webpage called Pokémon database. The data collected are the 3 latest generations of Pokémon games based on ‘Complete Pokémon Pokédex’ on said webpage. The analysis uses a mixed methodology to answer the research questions. The data were categorized and elaborated. Morphonological blending is based on phonological features, graphical features and conceptual features because Pokemon named may use different linguistic rules from different languages. Morphosemantic Blending methods used are Noun + Verb (or) Adjective (or) Noun. The findings found that there are many variants of Morphonological Blending used in naming the Pokémon. This research is expected to theoretically contribute to language research development, especially to add and elaborate Mattiello's (2013) simple theory regarding Morphosemantic Blends.
Budi Rahmat Setiawan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Budi Rahmat Setiawan is a Master Student at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Like many millennials, he likes to play games a lot. That is why, he wants to make the games not only as entertainment but also as research objects.
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