The Role of Critical Thinking Development in Citizenship Education: An Analysis of Kazakhstan’s Integrated Education Reforms (80551)
Session Chair: Linda Schwartz
Sunday, 14 July 2024 14:35
Session: Session 4
Room: G09 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The nature of citizenship education is defined through the word ‘critical thinking’. Critical thinking plays a significant role in educating students to be socially active and to be aware of policy changes in a country. Kazakhstan has been focusing on developing critical thinking skills of students through the reforms in education, in particular, to develop active citizens. In 2015 Kazakhstan adopted a new educational curriculum that is focused on integrated learning. This research aims to examine the enactment of the new educational programme. Through a qualitative study, I analysed teacher’s perspectives in enacting citizenship education policy. The data shows there is a direct influence of teachers’ subjectivity and school context. Within the research, I also will show the experience of developing critical thinking skills in a school. The research delves into how schools have been fostering critical thinking skills among students and presents insights from one Kazakhstani school that promotes these abilities by integrating project-based studies.
Sholpan Abdilda, University of International Business, Kazakhstan
About the Presenter(s)
Sholpan Abdilda is a senior lecturer at the UIB in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Holding a master's degree from UCL, her research focuses on critical thinking in citizenship education and the role of teachers in Kazakhstan’s education reforms.
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