AI and Education
Friday, 12 July 2024 15:20
Session: Plenary Session
Room: SOAS, Brunei Theatre
Presentation Type: Keynote Presentation
As higher education professionals, should we be worried about the lack of transparency, and the complex ethical issues that surround the development of AI and its application in higher learning institutions? This talk will discuss AI and education, specifically higher education, with special consideration in regards to the impact that AI might have, or is already having, on teaching and scholarship in our universities. The concept of AI literacy, currently being tentatively defined in scholarship, can largely be defined as a development of critical literacy, and should be highlighted for students as part of modern study within university curricula. This talk will argue that in order to counter the negative aspects of AI, educators and learners alike should be involved in the development of AI for education, not just subject to it. We should seek to influence the technology rather than just work reactively to adapt it (or more likely to adapt to it).
Speaker Biography
David Mallows
University College London, United Kingdom
Dr David Mallows is an Associate Professor at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Education in the United Kingdom, where he also directs the IOE Academic Writing Centre. He has over 35 years of experience in adult education as a teacher, trainer, and researcher. His past roles include training future ESOL teachers and managing CELTA and other initial and continuing training programs.
Dr Mallows also held the position of Director of Research at the National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), directing a diverse range of research projects on adult literacy, language, and numeracy. He currently collaborates with colleagues in Spain, Brazil, and Portugal on adult education research.
In addition to his research activities, Dr Mallows currently contributes to the UCL Institute of Education's MA TESOL program, leading the English Language Teaching Classroom Practice module. He also supervises PhD students in the fields of adult education and academic writing.
About the Presenter(s)
Dr David Mallows is an Associate Professor at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Education in the United Kingdom, where he also directs the IOE Academic Writing Centre.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Friday Schedule
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