Confronting Expectations and Realities: Exploring Queer Experiences in Indo-Caribbean Literary and Theoretical Discourse (78102)
Session Chair: Rita Dirks
Saturday, 13 July 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: G20 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Over the past years there has been remarkable growth in studies on sexuality. However, one of the most underrepresented areas of these analyses, remains the intersection between queerness and Indo-Caribbean women since the magnitude of focus is only on their experiences of indentureship. A queer (Indo-Caribbean) feminist reading and approach is fundamental in this moment because it is about the presence of a politic, instead of the continued disappearance of lives, desires, and identities. This paper undertakes a meticulous examination of the challenges confronting Indo-Caribbean immigrants, as eloquently depicted in V.S.Naipaul, Shani Mootoo’s and other contemporary writers of Indo-Caribbean literary oeuvre. The research centers on distinctive characters within the narratives, showcasing their diverse experiences while highlighting the weight of familial and societal expectations. In the context of the Indo-Caribbean society, which perpetuates its traditions and culture, these expectations often coerce individuals into the performance of heterosexuality and adherence to established societal norms. This approach doesn't just fragment our movements and weaken our collective resistance, but also erases the voices and struggles of those marginalized across different spectrums, causing their invisibility. It's important to explore how the culture and nation's role affects the growth of Indo-Caribbean female subjectivity and feminism from a literary and theoretical standpoint in 21st century.
Srishti Yadav, University of Delhi, India
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Srishti . is a University Doctoral Student at University of Delhi in India
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