The Impact Athletics Have on Bullying Rates Among Adolescents with Disabilities (78343)

Session Information:

Thursday, 11 July 2024 15:45
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: SOAS, Brunei Suite
Presentation Type:Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

Students who have disabilities are at a higher risk of experiencing bullying victimization in comparison to other diverse student groups due to having less social opportunities. However, athletic extracurricular activities have demonstrated to increase socialization among adolescents with disabilities. It is predicted that participating in athletics can also decrease the amount of times an individual with disabilities is bullied due to having more socialization opportunities. The following study uses the National Crime Victimization Survey – School Crime Supplement (NCVS/SCS) to analyze the bullying occurrence rates experienced among students, with disabilities being a focal variable. To explore the relationship between extracurricular involvement and bullying occurrence rates, this study employs a binary logistic regression to determine if athletic extracurricular activities have an impact on the number of times a student with disabilities experiences bullying. Results of the logistic regression showed that adolescents with disabilities who participated in athletics reported less instances of bullying that those who did not participate in athletics. Implications for future disability and sport research are discussed.

Kaycee Bills, Saint Mary's College, United States

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Kaycee Bills is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Saint Mary's College of Notre Dame, IN.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00