The Dynamics of British Counter Terrorism Strategy in the Post 9/11 Environment: An Academic Analysis of Evolution, Prospects and Challenges (79186)

Session Information: Discourse and Ethics in Media and Politics
Session Chair: Eric Williams

Saturday, 13 July 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: G10 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

The Scourge of terrorism has emerged as a gigantic threat to global peace and humanity since the events of 9/11 which guided the states to adopt new counter terrorism strategies to contain and crush the threats and activities of the perpetrators. The United Kingdom along with its collated partners applied a strict mechanism and measures to destroy the sanctuaries of the dissidents for the sake of lasting global peace. The British government has strongly emphasized on certain soft and hard policies through social, political, economic and military deterrence. How the Britain’s Counter Terrorism policy paradigms evolved, applied and faced certain challenges to be enforced? There are domestic and external actors involved to facilitate the home-grown terrorism in England. The work focuses on the ratio of success and failure of the current British Counter Terrorism policy along with its drawbacks and flaws reflecting in the Counter Terrorism synergism. Has the credibility of British security agencies been compromised in the context of operational obligation and interactive coordination with Global Counter Terrorism Strategies? The British security agencies and counter terrorism authorities have contributed a lion’s share in countering domestic and global terrorism but yet to do a lot of work remains ahead. The study comprises prospects and implications of British counter terrorism policy in the context of comparative approach that how much United Kingdom has contributed and achieved the determined targets while fighting the global war on terror in its domestic and external as an ally of the United States during 2001-2023.

Muhammad Roy, Government Murray College Sialkot Pakistan, Pakistan
Farhan Khalid, Government Murray College Sialkot Pakistan, Pakistan
Amna Kalsoom, Government Murray College Sialkot Pakistan, Pakistan
Muhammad Shahzad Tufail, Government Murray College Sialkot Pakistan, Pakistan

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Roy is the Chairman Department of Political Science.Roy has deep interest in the areas of Counter Terrorism, Conflict and Crises management, Coercive and Peace Diplomacy, Changing Regional and Global Strategic Policy Paradigms.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00