Optimising Older Worker Engagement: Unlocking Opportunities, Confronting Challenges, and Shaping Future Prospects (79419)
Session Chair: Fiona Alpass
Sunday, 14 July 2024 12:00
Session: Session 2
Room: G13 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
As the proportion of older individuals in the population rises, there is an increasing emphasis on the importance of extending their participation in the workforce. This is seen as essential for several reasons: it provides a "triple dividend" by reducing social expenditures associated with early workforce exit, increasing tax revenue, moderating the impact of demographic changes on the labour market, and improving the well-being and wealth of older workers. Despite these benefits, a significant number of individuals aged 55 and above are currently unemployed or underemployed, with others expressing a desire to work beyond the age of 65.
This paper presents an overview of a research program in New Zealand that aims to address the question of how government, employers, and workers can maximize ongoing participation of older adults in the workforce. The research, developed in collaboration with government and business stakeholders, introduces innovative and sustainable strategies to prolong working lives and facilitate the inclusion of unemployed or underemployed older adults in the workforce. The paper outlines four main research objectives, which include exploring the aspirations, attitudes, and motivations of older workers; addressing the balance between work and care responsibilities; identifying barriers to older entrepreneurship; and promoting best business practices for maintaining and enhancing the participation of older workers. The paper demonstrates how this research has directly influenced policy development, enabling older individuals to actively contribute to the workforce, enhance the economy, and capitalise on the benefits of an ageing population.
Fiona Alpass, Massey University, New Zealand
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Fiona Alpass is currently based at Massey University in New Zealand
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