How Can Reviewing Teaching Material Help Motivate Students? (79518)
Session Chair: Raees Unnisa
Saturday, 13 July 2024 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: G08 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This paper aims to examine the relationship between the modernisation of the Chinese Language Suggested Reading List (The List) for senior form secondary schools in Hong and Student motivation. Despite ongoing efforts to update The List, the issue of student motivation remains unresolved. A preliminary investigation into the background of the authors of the selected texts and an analysis of their content suggests that modernising The List can enhance student motivation. Motivating students is crucial for achieving positive learning outcomes. While curriculum and instructional design have traditionally been the focus of discussions around student motivation, this paper argues that teaching material itself can significantly influence student motivation. Therefore, the paper will investigate the collection of the List and explore the causes that influence students’ learning motivation. Furthermore, the paper will offer suggestions for the common core of the Chinese Language course at the tertiary level. In conclusion, this paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about how to improve student motivation and learning in the context of the Chinese Language course.
Lok Yee Lorraine Wong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Lok Yee Lorraine Wong is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at The University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong
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