Representing Curriculum Design Practices in Essentia Curriculum: A Case Study in the University of Nariño, Colombia (79593)

Session Information: Curriculum Design, Development & Policy
Session Chair: Alexandra Sofia Rodrigues

Sunday, 14 July 2024 11:10
Session: Session 2
Room: B08 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

Considering a literature review on curriculum design theory over the last one hundred years, we focused on how curriculum design methods are defined. Despite the existence of some methods from the theory, a global survey of 226 professors showed that they use their own subjective criteria to design curricula. The surveyed professors also reported that they do not document their processes well, which means that there is not much useful information about how they design the curriculum for others to learn from. Moreover, the varied terms and graphical forms of curriculum designs make them diverse and hard to communicate and understand. To address this problem, we proposed ESSENTIA CURRICULUM to represent curriculum design practices. ESSENTIA CURRICULUM is based on a common language that we developed by combining a century of curriculum design theory and the experiences of 226 professors from around the world. ESSENTIA CURRICULUM is a simple and flexible language that can be used in any situation. As proof of this, the representation of curriculum design practices for the accreditation renewal process of the Systems Engineering Programme has been conducted, showing satisfactory results. This novel approach to representing curriculum design practices has allowed us to generate the bases for future developments that would involve the use of artificial intelligence.

Jesus Insuasti, University of Nariño, Colombia
Carlos Mario Zapata-Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

About the Presenter(s)
Professor Jesus Insuasti is Full Professor of the Systems Engineering Department at the University of Nariño in Pasto, southern Colombia.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00