Digital Learning Spaces and the Disruption of the ‘Traditional’ Learner-Teacher Power Relationship in Higher Education (79804)

Session Information: Design & Implementation of Technologies in Education
Session Chair: Fong Peng Chew

Sunday, 14 July 2024 12:40
Session: Session 3
Room: G10 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

This presentation will focus on how digital transformation is disrupting the ‘traditional’ learner-teacher power relationship in higher education, specifically through the introduction of digital learning spaces. In order to understand how to create effective digital learning spaces in the current university climate, we must understand how these spaces relate to, and differ from, the spaces that have dominated higher education for centuries. To do so, this presentation will draw on empirical data from 32 interviews and 12 observations, gathered from two post-1992 universities in England. I will address the ways in which the students and academics in this study conceptualised the ‘traditional’ learner-teacher power relationship and its pervasiveness within the physical learning spaces of the university. It will detail this power relationship through conceptualising the behavioural expectations of the ‘traditional’ learner subjectivity and the ‘traditional’ teacher subjectivity, the two roles that form its dynamic.
The digital transformation of higher education has introduced digital learning spaces in which academics and students embody multiple roles and participate in less established dynamics. I will discuss the behavioural expectations of the ‘traditional’ learner subjectivity and the resulting power relationship in physical learning spaces, before addressing the resulting challenges that we need to be aware of when attempting to navigate digital learning spaces effectively.

Eloise Symonds, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Eloise Symonds is the Director of Edelsy Consultancy, working in consultation with HE institutions to redesign their teaching and learning using interdisciplinary methods and practices that are appropriate for the 21st century university.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00