Focusing on Education Through Multilingual Language Policy in South African Schools (79907)

Session Information: Curriculum Design, Development & Policy
Session Chair: Alexandra Sofia Rodrigues

Sunday, 14 July 2024 11:35
Session: Session 2
Room: B08 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

Even though multilingual education has been in existence for a long time, the new era has brought another contestation around language policy. Multilingual education which is often realized through multilingual language policy seems to be the best way to prepare future generations to participate in constructing democratic societies in and intercultural world. South Africa is no exception to this development. The language policy and governance in the schooling system of South Africa cannot be seen in isolation from that of the rest of the African continent and the world. This article disinters the extent to which the bodies responsible for the governing of schools in South Africa can formulate and implement language policies that serve the demographic language interest of societies that they serve. This paper contextualizes the rights-based approach through fostering a deeper understanding of how different participants and role players in the education system can form the links between rights and participation with a view to bringing about change in language policy formulation and implementation in schools. This is based on that global economic interdependence, intercultural communication, inequality and linguistic diversity have become harsh realities of today’s world and exert some pressures on our educational systems. The developments in the educational sphere and the instability in the schooling system in South Africa regarding the language policy and its implementation need for further debate.

Stanley Madonsela, University of South Africa, South Africa

About the Presenter(s)
Professor Stanley Madonsela is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at University of South Africa in South Africa

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00