When a Researcher with Working Experience of Exposure to Disadvantage: Key Points in Qualitative Research on Social Justice (80286)
Session Chair: Arfat Bait Jamil
Sunday, 14 July 2024 16:05
Session: Session 5
Room: B09 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Nowadays diverse forms of educational disadvantages persistently motivate researchers to conduct research on social justice from theoretical and empirical aspects. Among all the researchers, some of them are practitioners who used to experience educational disadvantages for an extended period. When researchers shift the role from practitioners to researchers, the perceptions of this shift can be an essential aspect in determining their own positionality. Underlying the perceptions, the emotional experience also matters. In this study, I adopted my own role shift as a single case study to uncover my perceptions and emotional experience before generating points worthy of attention for a reliable qualitative study. In terms of my background, I used to teach in a Chinese school that caters for migrant pupils who are at a low socio-economic status for eight years. Besides, I have spent nearly five years in the MSc and PhD programmes in a Scottish university. This study found out that 1) Researcher’s own shift is not an example of emancipation from educational disadvantages from a broad view of pursuing social justice. 2) To empower someone is to make that person at home in a chosen context. 3) Researchers’ emotions might be related to their own life stories awakened in the process of research, rather than those of the participants. Based on findings, this paper wishes to present the risk involved in qualitative researchers’ unconscious comparison between their active choice of shift with the ‘inaction’ of participants in a disadvantaged context.
Suqiong Zheng, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Suqiong Zheng is a University Doctoral Student at University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom
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