The Ways To Get Your Students Excited About Writing Through the Use of Interactive Writing Tools (80498)
Session Chair: Raees Unnisa
Saturday, 13 July 2024 11:50
Session: Session 2
Room: G08 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Choosing the appropriate medium for teaching writing is a crucial task. A growing number of studies on language instruction have begun to examine the role of embedding various educational tools to boost students’ engagement in writing. Despite many efforts to get students excited about writing, it remains a daunting task for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. To enhance writing practices, it is crucial to introduce and incorporate ways to support struggling writers.There has long been controversy over using the traditional pedagogical method of teaching writing skills to students as opposed to boosting their engagement through implementing interactive writing tools. This paper sheds light on reimagining the teaching writing practices and modifying the existing teaching modes.Moreover, it overviews various digital tools and interactive strategies that could stimulate students’ interest and involvement in the writing process.The present study aims to investigate the impact of applying Canva, Google Docs, Mentimeter, Mind Maps, Polleverywhere, Slido, Anchor Charts, Blogs, Padlet, Slido, and QR codes on enhancing students’ engagement in writing activities. In light of this, quantitative methodology was used to reveal the perceptions of English Philology students regarding taking advantage of some educational tools and strategies to create new ways of their writing experience. Consequently, the students’ perception is positive, since they find the implementation of this kind of interactive tools and techniques engaging and motivating to get them to write more.Besides, the study shows the effects of integrating some practical teaching elements of a modern instructional mode to make the writing process exciting and interactive.
Guranda Khabeishvili, International Black Sea University, Georgia
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Guranda Khabeishvili is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at International Black Sea University in Georgia
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