Challenges Regarding the Accessibility of Library Services in Heritage Conservation Using the Matrix of Users’ Consumption Behaviors (80712)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

This article seeks to explore the multifaceted challenges inherent in ensuring accessibility to library services for the preservation of cultural heritage, with a particular focus on understanding user consumption behaviors from a lifelong learning perspective. The article aims to analyze the complexity and variables surrounding the imperative to preserve cultural heritage through libraries, juxtaposed with the various behavioral patterns displayed by users who engage with cultural resources. Based on the diverse learning interests of contemporary library users - from academic pursuits to professional development and personal enrichment - the present article initiates a matrix of factors responsible in shaping various cultural consumption behaviors. These factors comprise demographic variables such as age and education level, as well as contextual influences including cultural background, technological competence and responsiveness to innovation. By capitalizing on the information analysed within the Horizon project entitled SHIFT - MetamorphoSis of cultural Heritage Into augmented hypermedia assets For enhanced accessibiliTy and inclusion, currently under implementation, the present article will illustrate how advances in AI technology can be capitalized to adapt personalized solutions in library ecosystems. These solutions are designed to increase the accessibility andthe attractiveness of modern library services and favor the inclusion of different user types, especially vulnerable groups, thus strengthening the value, relevance and degree of monetization of cultural assets in library collections. For this purpose, the author will analyze relevant SHIFT project use cases and will explore how AI technology can help libraries by configuring customized technological solutions, oriented to the current users' needs.

Ioana Cornelia Cristina Crihană, The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania, Romania

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Ioana Cornelia Cristina Crihană is a Business Owner/Executive at The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania in Romania

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00