English Vocabulary Acquisition for Engineers: Student-Created Multimodal Flashcards and Gamified Learning with Artificial Intelligence (81449)

Session Information: Educational Technologies
Session Chair: Laura de Almeida

Sunday, 14 July 2024 09:15
Session: Session 1
Room: G10 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

Compared with general English vocabulary, engineering vocabulary is highly technical and challenging for students. Traditional vocabulary memorization and rote learning strategies have been criticized for promoting shallow learning and can lead to low motivation. Language learners are demanding more student-centered, self-directed learning as technology use has led to increased autonomy in language learning. This study utilizes student-created digital flashcards with AI and gamified learning for promoting vocabulary acquisition and motivating learners. This paper is a 6-month project into the development of student-created multimodal digital flashcards embedded in Quizlet. Students practiced vocabulary learning strategies, and the research team investigated which activities in the app led to increased vocabulary learning. The flashcards, instructional material, and instructional videos were developed and piloted in the first two months. A 12-week mixed methods study was conducted with two intact classes at an A2 proficiency level divided into a control and experimental group. The experimental group developed multimodal engineering vocabulary flashcards using drawings, AI, and online images. The control group used the same target words with instructor-developed multimodal flashcards. The learning app, Quizlet was used by both groups. Results showed that the experimental group had a significantly higher score demonstrating the effectiveness of student-centered flashcard development for Engineering English vocabulary learning. The students found developing the vocabulary flashcards to be an empowering learning experience which motivated them to try to understand and explain the target vocabulary in English and Chinese.

Neil Edward Barrett, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Neil Edward Barrett is an associate professor at the Centre for Bilingual Education, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. His research interests include second language education, and educational technology for language learning.

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Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00