Celebrating Unity in Diversity: Exploring Cultures, Connections, Through Art with Nursery Students in Bangladesh (81724)

Session Information: International Education
Session Chair: Sherie Klee

Saturday, 13 July 2024 14:50
Session: Session 4
Room: G12 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

This experience at International School Dhaka aimed to foster self-discovery and an understanding of cultural diversity among Nursery students during the "Who We Are" unit. Utilizing observations and analysis of student records, the study engaged participants in reflections on their uniqueness while appreciating global similarities and differences. Literature, including "Toy Stories" by Gabrielle Galimberti and "One World, One Day" by Barbara Kerley, and collaborative efforts with artists Shadhin Kamruzzaman, Salma Jamal Moushum, and the Gidree Bawlee Foundation of Arts, provided rich visual prompts and cultural insights. The qualitative data collection incorporated student responses, reflections, and hands-on activities, notably the creation of handmade puppets inspired by their global counterparts. Findings showcased an enhanced awareness of cultural diversity, challenging stereotypes, promoting family involvement, and instilling a sense of appreciation for handmade artifacts. Qualitative data analysis revealed nuanced insights into students' perceptions, interactions, and evolving perspectives. This project has implications for promoting global citizenship, fostering inclusivity, and encouraging creative expressions among young learners, enabling them to develop a broader understanding of the world around them.

Nayali Garcia, International School Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00