Ageism and Its Impact on Health: An Analysis of the Cultural Context in Cameroon, Canada, and France (82060)
Session Chair: Rose Joudi
Saturday, 13 July 2024 14:50
Session: Session 4
Room: G13 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The aging of the population is generating new societal issues, including intergenerational conflict and ageism. Culture seems to have an impact on intergenerational relations and representations [1]. The aim of our study is to analyze the impact of the cultural context on intergenerational relations and experiences of ageism and impacts on the health.
The mixed methodology is based on 10 intergenerational focus groups (adolescents, middle generation, elderly: N=68 people) conducted in Cameroon, Canada and France. The representations of ageing and youth by the different age groups were apprehended via thematic content analysis [2]. Group dynamics were examined through quantitative and qualitative prism: thematic analysis, speaking time of each participant, number of words, speech interruptions, etc. The ethnographic approach and the interviews enabled us to grasp the cultural issues and representations of ageing in the three countries.
Data analysis is still in progress, but a few observations can already be made about intergenerational power relations and forms of ageism in different cultures. In Cameroon, for example, the other generations give priority to the elders, but societal changes in the country are weakening the position of power held by the elderly. New forms of ageism are emerging. In France, the middle generation seems to have more power (in terms of group dynamics). Discourses on ageing tend to be agist, referring to dependency. In Canada, group dynamics seem to be much more homogeneous.
Pauline Gouttefarde, Université Jean Monnet, France
Jessica Guyot, University Jean Monnet, France
Nathalie Barth, University Jean Monnet, France
Bienvenu Bongue, University Jean Monnet, France
Stéphane Adam, University of Liège, Belgium
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Pauline GOUTTEFARDE is a University Doctoral Student at Université Jean Monnet in France
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