Development of Higher Education System in Egypt (82382)

Session Information: Perspectives on Teaching in the Contemporary Context
Session Chair: Stephen Sowa

Sunday, 14 July 2024 09:40
Session: Session 1
Room: B07 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

Higher education (HE) in Egypt faces problems regarding efficiency and efficacy. Although there is some progress, the system is not regenerating fast enough to prepare young people for a more vibrant future. This work aims to present a road map toward improving the HE system. In this study, A new model for developing higher education towards the global plan 2030-2063 is introduced. In this model, the operational research approach is implemented to determine the activities, including all educational processes, such as educational policies, management, curricula, and human resources. The process analysis of the policy strategy components depicted that the higher education system in Egypt faces a triple crisis: the scarcity of human capital, low quality, poor integration and inconsistency with the needs of the private sector.
From the results, we conclude that developing HE require training for transformation to assist the country in adopting a comprehensive approach to its education system and obtaining better value for money from education expenditures to prepare skilled graduates for national development, introducing an "International Action Scheme" for mobility universities students; as well as enhancing Science, Technology and Innovation. To ensure that Egypt does not lag behind the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", we recommend the importance of developing priority through national entrepreneurship plans and incubators in academic sectors such as agrifood, marine science, energy, water treatment, ICT, infrastructure, medicines, nutrition, and green economies.

Mohamed A. Zaki Ewiss, Cairo University, Egypt
Seddik Afifi, Merit University, Egypt

About the Presenter(s)
Professor Mohamed A. Zaki Ewiss is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Cairo University in Egypt

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00