Kazakhstani Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Functional Literacy (82438)

Session Information:

Friday, 12 July 2024 15:55
Session: Poster Session 2
Room: SOAS, Brunei Suite
Presentation Type:Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

The concept of “Functional Literacy” expands the traditional definition of literacy by focusing on cultivating students’ creative and critical thinking skills for real-world application beyond traditional school subjects. In response to new demands, teachers are required to use innovative teaching approaches and embrace new visions of education in their practices. However, research evidence shows that many teachers face challenges when transitioning from old to new teaching methods. Therefore, the study aims to explore the functional literacy perceptions and practices of primary school teachers in West Kazakhstan. To triangulate data, this study employs a concurrent embedded strategy of mixed methods design. Quantitative data were collected through a survey questionnaire using “Qualtrics”, involving 1,217 primary teachers. The survey examined primary school teachers’ perception of the functional literacy definition in West Kazakhstan. Data collected were analyzed through SPSS, employing descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. However, it was limited to the questionnaire variables, restricting teachers’ extensive perceptions of their practices. In light of this limitation, the study also included observations of lessons (n=14) conducted by seven primary school teachers across four mainstream schools. When exploring teachers’ perceptions of functional literacy, it was found that the majority (more than 60% in each item) had a clear understanding of the concept. However, it was revealed that classroom activities still lack problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, critical thinking tasks, open-ended discussions, and collaborative work, with a limited number of these elements present. Post-observation interviews identified several challenges, including lack of teaching materials, technical support, teacher collaboration, and professional development opportunities.

Dana Ryspayeva, Zhubanov University, Kazakhstan
Anara Urkunova, Zhubanov University, Kazakhstan
Laura Karabassova, Zhubanov University, Kazakhstan

About the Presenter(s)
Ms. Dana Ryspayeva is currently a third-year PhD student at K. Zhubanov University in Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00