Financing Higher Education in Egypt: Issues, Policies and Trends (82488)
Session Chair: Kathleen Klik
Saturday, 13 July 2024 15:15
Session: Session 4
Room: B08 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The Strategic financing decisions of higher education have multifaceted effects on creating a knowledge economy and equitable access, quality, relevance, research and innovation in particular. This paper is based on the data sources and examines financing policies, programs, practices, trends and challenges. Low levels of funding, the inefficiency of the higher education system, inconsistent funding policies, programs and practices, weak financial management system, shadowed equity and access and the rising cost of higher education are traced. The general purpose of this work is to examine the existing funding system of higher education in Egypt and provide strategic funding modalities to achieve higher education goals of access, equity, relevance, quality research and innovation. More specifically, its aims are: a) to examine financing policies in higher education, b) To analyze the trends of public financing in higher education in terms of GDP, public budget and the education budget, c) To explore the status of per student allocation in public financing, d) To examine the diversification of source of higher education funding, and e) To identify major challenges associated with higher educational funding. We present suggested strategic funding measures using the operational research approach to achieve higher education goals of equity, access, relevance, quality, innovation and research.
Seddik Afifi, Merit University, Egypt
Mohamed A. Zaki Ewiss, Cairo University, Egypt
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Mohamed A. Zaki Ewiss is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Cairo University in Egypt
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