The Multilingual Turn in Teaching English as an Additional Language (82546)
Session Chair: Andreea Cervatiuc
Monday, 15 July 2024 12:30
Session: Session 3
Room: Room D (Live-Stream)
Presentation Type:Live-Stream Presentation
This presentation will focus on the relevance of the multilingual turn in teaching English as an additional language, which can be done equitably through a multilingual lens (Cummins, 2009). It will report on a recent conceptual research study that explains how the multilingual turn in second language acquisition (SLA) has triggered a multilingual turn in additional language teaching. This presentation will discuss some of the approaches and strategies that can make the teaching of English as an additional language more equitable, such as translanguaging, bilingual instructional strategies, teaching for strafer, activities that build on students’ prior knowledge, identity texts, and a participatory-transformative curriculum. Multilingual English classrooms are characterized by a plurality of discourses and practices (García & Sylvan, 2011) and cherish students’ funds of knowledge and linguistic and cultural diversity. This presentation will also explain how SLA evolved from a monolingually-biased field to a multilingually-oriented one, by redefining outdated terminology, adopting new research designs, and advancing compelling theories of multilingualism, such as the holistic and dynamic approach and the theory of multi-competence. The findings and conclusions of this conceptual research study can have important implications for educators, additional language learners, researchers, and policymakers.
Andreea Cervatiuc, University of British Columbia, Canada
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Andreea Cervatiuc is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at University of British Columbia in Canada
See this presentation on the full schedule – Monday Schedule
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