A Scoping Review on the Digital Literacy of Older Persons in Southeast Asia: Evidence from the Philippines (82652)
Session Chair: Dante Perez
Saturday, 13 July 2024 17:35
Session: Session 5
Room: G08 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The digital literacy of older persons is a critical factor in active and healthy aging. As Southeast Asian societies become more digitalized, seniors are exposed to various information and communication technologies embedded in everyday life. This scoping review explores the extent and breadth of existing literature on the digital literacy of Southeast Asian seniors specifically Filipino older persons by identifying the purpose of usage, facilitators, and barriers to digital technology engagement. It focuses on evidence that describes the experiences of 60-year-old citizens and the enabling or disabling factors of their digital participation. As a preliminary assessment of research done on the subject, this review shows that the scope and coverage of literature on digital literacy of Filipino older persons is limited. The studies reveal that older persons use digital tools to obtain health information/assist health literacy, maintain and create relationships, seek various forms of socialization and entertainment, and pursue active aging. Digital capital, personal and psychological readiness, and environmental factors are identified as facilitating factors for digital literacy. The lack of access to digital technologies, limited support from the government, and other socio-cultural variables are described as barriers to digital literacy. While the digital literacy of Filipino older persons is in the infancy stage both in knowledge and practice, it calls for inclusive and participative technology to help enable active and healthy aging.
Dante Perez, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines
About the Presenter(s)
Communication and media teacher and specialist at the National University - Clark Campus. Doctor of Communication candidate at the UP Open University, where he is pursuing Digital Ageism and Digital Literacy of Older Persons in the Global South.
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