Simulation of Situational Tasks as a Method of Developing Safe Behavior Skills (82865)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
This study is among the important issues of modern society and reflects a general problem in Kazakhstan, the solution to which we see through a local approach, applying a series of lessons within Lesson study. Consequently, the goal of the research was defined as the development of skills to respond to life-threatening situations for students through the simulation of situational tasks during and outside of lessons. During the research, methods were used such as lesson observation, initial and final surveys, and simulation of situational tasks to develop and improve skills in responding to life-threatening situations. The research also involved broadcasting video materials and discussing national and international news events. During the research, our team encountered a real manifestation of one of the dangers threatening human life as earthquakes in Almaty, which adjusted the course of research. At the final stage of the research, impressive survey results were uncovered and detailed in the study. The importance of this research lies in the practical application of situational tasks, which enhances students' safety behaviour skills and responsibility for personal and others' safety. The results of the initial and final surveys underline the study's relevance. Evidence includes stress diagram analyses from the pre-post surveys and those conducted post-earthquakes in Almaty. During the research, we came to the following conclusions. Firstly, student awareness of life-threatening situations increased, as evidenced by the study results. Furthermore, there's a need to update preventive training strategies in schools to better integrate and automate safe behaviour skills within school community.
Diana Amirova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Nazigul Muratbekova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Assem Zhomartova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zhanna Khadessova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zhaxybek Suleimenkulov, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
About the Presenter(s)
Diana Amirova is currently a teacher of English at Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Almaty,Kazakhstan. at the same time doctorate student at Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.
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