Cosmogony – A Philosophical Odyssey: Juxtaposition of the Cultural Legend of the Shukla and Krishna Yajur Veda with their Upanishadic Literary Genre (82877)
Session Chair: Yu Jin
Monday, 15 July 2024 08:25
Session: Session 1
Room: Room A (Live-Stream)
Presentation Type:Live-Stream Presentation
Despite the abundance of investigations on Upanishads, there is a need for more research on their cosmogonical ideas in the framework of a causal relationship between the creator and creation. This study is significant because of its purpose and method of inquiry: it compares the primary Upanishads associated with the Shukla and Krishna Yajur Vedas within the premise of their cultural legend. The authors assert that such an approach can help determine whether the cosmogonical considerations in the Upanishads reflect the known cultural (geographical and historical) differences between the two branches of the Yajur Veda. Based on its findings, this paper concludes that: (i) not only are notions of creator-causality-creation embedded in the Upanishads, but they are also interconnected; (ii) the discussion of causality has an element of association with anthropocentric considerations; and (iii) a discernible pattern of cosmogonical conceptions emerges, consistent with the cultural legend of Shukla and Krishna Yajur Veda. Furthermore, the Upanishads demonstrated similarities in their perspectives of the omnipresent creator, the creator's causal role, and the creation process. In comparison, the Krishna Yajur Veda Upanishads predominantly focus on the creator's description, whereas the Shukla Yajur Veda Upanishads mainly focus on the transformation of the creator into the creation.
Sivaram Sivasubramanian, JAIN (deemed-to-be University), India
Rajani Jairam, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), India
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Sivaram Sivasubramanian is a Business Employee at JAIN (deemed-to-be University) in India
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