Development of Teaching Materials about the Beauty of my Country’s Diversity to Improve Nationalist Attitudes and PKN Learning Outcomes (82892)
Session Chair: Ya-Hsuan Wang
Saturday, 13 July 2024 09:55
Session: Session 1
Room: G12 (Ground)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The attitude of Nationalism is a characteristic of patriotism that must be developed in the Indonesian nation which must be started from an early age, this is an investment for our nation in the future. This research aims to determine the steps, feasibility and effectiveness of using the teaching material "The Wonders of Diversity of My Country" as a PKN teaching material regarding ethnic and linguistic diversity of My Country at IV elementary schools. The type of research used is Research and Development Model 4D. 4D (Define is carried out by analyzing the curriculum, learning resources, assignments and student test scores, Design is carried out by designing teaching materials starting from the initial appearance of the teaching materials to the author's biodata, Development is carried out first by validating the teaching materials developed and dissemination of the results of validity, practicality and effectiveness of teaching materials. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. The research subjects are 46 students of Ashabul Kahfi Elementary School in Medan media, material experts, and practicality experts obtained 93% and, 95.3%, 92% with the qualifications being very feasible and practical to use with slight revision. Results of the effectiveness of pre-test and post-test teaching materials through the n-gain test, normality test , homogeneity test and T-test (Paired Sample T-Test) with effective results. Based on research results, the teaching material product "The Beauty of My Country's Diversity" is feasible, practical and effective to use.
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Fathurrohman Fathurrohman, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Let me introduce myself, Nurhayati. Currently, I am an activist and active in several organizations in the fields of education, literature and social or volunteerism. I am a recipient of the LPDP Postgraduate scholarship at Yogyakarta State Universit
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