Examining the Life Cycle and Learning Impact of Communities of Practice as a Pedagogical Framework in Higher Education (83044)

Session Information: Pedagogical Development & Contemporary Issues
Session Chair: Nish Belford

Saturday, 13 July 2024 12:55
Session: Session 3
Room: B09 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC0 (Europe/London)

This research project, which is part of a PhD study, explores the implications of using Communities of Practice (CoPs) as core elements of instructional design in Higher Education settings and their potential pedagogical value from a social constructivist perspective. CoPs are groups of people who share goals and interests and work together to develop knowledge and expertise to fulfil the group goals. CoP members develop a sense of belongingness and mutual accountability through regular interaction and negotiation of meaning and identities. By shifting focus on the learner and how knowledge and practice are negotiated within CoPs, this research employs a Pragmatic approach and Mixed Methods research strategies, incorporating a cyclical Action Research design. This allows for integration of findings in consecutive cycles and can inform a broader social constructivist pedagogical framework based on empirical evidence. Participants are 63 Undergraduate and Postgraduate students in 5 different modules from two UK Universities. Data collection targets students’ perceptions of their experience as well as written and oral evidence of communication during the life cycle of each group. Results so far have shown that despite reported positive attitudes towards groupwork, there are challenges related to mutual engagement and accountability which prevent learning from moving beyond intentional instruction and call for more targeted scaffolding of the experience. The results have also highlighted language barriers as a major issue inhibiting international students from negotiating meaning and fully engaging with group life.

Catherine Mitsaki, Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Catherine Mitsaki is a Senior Lecturer in Educational Linguistics at the University of Northampton and a PhD candidate at Robert Gordon University Aberdeen. Current research project: Communities of Practice as a learning and teaching pedagody in HE.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00