“The House of Bernarda Alba” F.G. Lorka: An Online Performance (83125)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
The central theme of this presentation is the online performance of F. G. Lorca’s "The House of Bernarda Alba", which was created in Greece by the theatre school of “Periplous Theatre” under the direction of Maria Kantife, during the 2021 quarantine. This performance, of a kind which is now known as digital theatre, came about as a result of a complete method of acting teaching created by the acting teacher to enable the continuation of her work under isolation conditions, via video and video calls.
After 6 months of online rehearsals, the play was performed via a group video call, which was also recorded, with the actors never actually meeting face-to-face but creating an atmosphere shared by all of them, so that the viewer could sense that all the actors were performing in the same world.
This performance was the first of its kind in Greece and this work shows us how the arts can benefit from technology and how theatre can be experienced in different ways. It raises issues regarding theatre teaching methods, research and theatre practices, while at the same time it examines how an audience perceives an online performance when they themselves are viewing on online platforms (zoom).
Anna Tzanidaki, Univercity of Crete, Greece
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Anna Tzanidaki, graduated drom Univercity of Crete, specialized in history of theatre. Teaches history of theatre in theatre school and Greek philology in secondary schools in Greece. Her research associates with theatre in 20th and 21th century.
See this presentation on the full schedule – On Demand Schedule
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