The Relationships Between Attachment Styles, Family Functioning, and Suicidal Ideation Among University Students (83131)
Session Chair: Tavee Cheausuwantavee
Saturday, 13 July 2024 16:45
Session: Session 5
Room: B17 (Basement)
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Suicidal phenomena have been becoming a concern of the public nowadays as the suicidal rate has been increasing drastically throughout these years in Malaysia. This research looks into the relationship between attachment styles, family functioning, and suicidal ideation among university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Bartholomew’s adult attachment theory (1991) suggests that these variables may have a relationship. After collecting data from 390 university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it is found that there is a negative relationship between secure attachment and suicidal ideation, there is a positive relationship between preoccupied, fearful attachment and suicidal ideation, and there is no significant relationship between dismissing attachment and suicidal ideation, there is a negative relationship between healthy family functioning and suicidal ideation, and there is a positive relationship between unhealthy family functioning and suicidal ideation.
Mohtaram Rabbani, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
S’ng Lin Yee Lin Yee, UCSI University, Malaysia
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Mohtaram Rabbani (Mina) is a lecturer and coordinator at the Faculty of Education at Hong Kong University. She graduated from University Putra Malaysia and previously served as an assistant professor and Head of Program at UCSI University.
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