The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL) is a multidisciplinary conference held concurrently with The European Conference on Education (ECE). Keynote, Featured and Spotlight Speakers will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. Registration for either conference will allow participants to attend sessions in both.
This page provides details of presentations and other programming. For more information about presenters, please visit the Speakers page.
Thursday, July 11 and Friday, July 12 will be held at SOAS University of London.
Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14 will be held at University College London Torrington Place Training Centre.
Monday, July 15 will be held online.
Conference Outline
13:30-16:30: Pre-Conference Cultural Event: British Museum Guided Walking Tour
Please join us in a group visit to the nearby British Museum. Its permanent collection of eight million works is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence. On. Please note that wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed on British Museum premises for safety and security reasons.
This is a ticketed event
Further Information
Conference Venue: SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre & Suite
09:15-10:00: Conference Check-in & Coffee | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
10:00-10:10: Announcements | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
10:10-10:30: Welcome Address & Recognition of IAFOR Scholarship Winners | SOAS,
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Joseph Haldane, IAFOR & University College London, United Kingdom
10:30-10:45: Special Welcome Address | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Alison Koslowski, Pro-Provost (Equity & Inclusion) at University College London, United Kingdom
10:45-11:00: IAFOR Provost’s Address | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Envisioning the Future: 2024-2029
Anne Boddington, IAFOR & Middlesex University, United Kingdom
11:05-11:25: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Providing Access to Higher Education for Refugees: Challenges and Benchmarks
Brendan Howe, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
11:25-11:35: Q&A Session
11:40-12:00: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
The Joy of Not Knowing and Why It's So Brilliant to Not Know!
Marcelo Staricoff, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
12:00-12:10: Q&A Session
12:10-12:20: Conference Photograph | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
12:20-13:40: Lunch Break
13:40-14:40: Plenary Panel Discussion | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Educating for Peace: Conflicting Narratives, Migration, Immigration and Global Citizenship
Donald E. Hall, Binghamton University, United States
Brendan Howe, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Ljiljana Marković, European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD), Serbia
Moderator: Anne Boddington, IAFOR & Middlesex University, United Kingdom
14:45-15:45: Forum Discussion | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Global Citizenship: Ethics and Care
Donald E. Hall, Binghamton University, United States (Moderator)
15:45-16:45: Conference Poster Session 1 & Welcome Reception | SOAS, Brunei Suite
Conference Venue: SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre & Suite
09:30-10:00: Conference Check-in & Coffee | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
10:00-10:15: Welcome Address | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Evangelia Chrysikou, University College London, United Kingdom
10:15-10:35: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Helping Us To Help Ourselves – How Assistive Robots and AI Can Change the Dynamics of Supporting Healthy Ageing and Social Care
Praminda Caleb-Solly, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
10:35-10:45: Q&A Session
10:45-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-11:20: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
The Examination of Eye Movements in Language Learning Research: A Focus on Vocabulary
Ana Pellicer-Sánchez, University College London, United Kingdom
11:20-11:30: Q&A Session
11:30-12:45: Lunch Break
12:45-13:05: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
How to Destroy a University
Donald E. Hall, Binghamton University, United States
13:05-13:15: Q&A Session
13:20-13:40 Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Humanities at the Helm: Mobilizing Scholars to Confront the Planetary Climate Crisis
Alfonso García-Osuna, Hofstra University, United States
13:40-13:50: Q&A Session
13:55-14:15: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Invisiblised and Erased Narratives – Essential Views from the Margins
Neelam Raina, Middlesex University, United Kingdom
14:15-14:25: Q&A Session
14:25-14:45: Coffee Break
14:45-15:05: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Democracy
Cian O’Donovan, University College London, United Kingdom
15:05-15:15: Q&A Session
15:20-15:40: Keynote Presentation | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
AI and Education
David Mallows, University College London, United Kingdom
15:40-15:50: Q&A Session
15:55-16:55: Conference Poster Session 2 | SOAS, Brunei Suite
16:00-16:45: Special Seminar Session | SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
IAFOR Undergraduate Research Symposium (IURS) Special Seminar Session
Grant Black, Chuo University, Japan
James W. McNally, NACDA & University of Michigan, United States
This presentation runs concurrently with Conference Poster Session 2
19:00-21:00: Conference Dinner at The Savile Club
This is an optional ticketed event
Conference Venue: Torrington Place Training Centre, University College London
08:50-09:30: Conference Check-in
09:30-11:10: Onsite Parallel Session 1
B07 (Basement): ECE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
B08 (Basement): ECE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Pedagogy, Teachers, and Students' Achievements
B17 (Basement): ECE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis (Workshops)
G08 (Ground): ECLL | Learning Environments
G09 (Ground): ECLL | Culture and Language
G10 (Ground): ECAH | Performing Arts and Contemporary Issues
G12 (Ground): ECE | Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
G13 (Ground): EGen | Resilience
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Comparative Perspectives on Family & Relationships
11:10-11:25: Coffee Break
11:25-12:40: Onsite Parallel Session 2
B07 (Basement): ECE | Perspectives on Foreign Languages Education
B08 (Basement): ECE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Comparative Chinese Language Teaching
B17 (Basement): ECAH | Culture in Arts & Literature
G08 (Ground): ECLL | Learners' Motivation
G09 (Ground): ECLL | Translation & Interpretation
G10 (Ground): ECAH | Self in the Arts
G12 (Ground): ECLL | Culture and Language
G13 (Ground): EGen | Digital Skills & Older Adults
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Women in Arts & Novels
12:40-12:55: Coffee Break
12:55-14:35: Onsite Parallel Session 3
B07 (Basement): ECAH | Comparative Issues in Academic Writing
B08 (Basement): ECE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Pedagogical Development & Contemporary Issues
B17 (Basement): ECE | Educational Research, Development & Publishing (Workshops)
G08 (Ground): ECLL | Plurilingualism
G09 (Ground): ECAH | Language Teaching & Learning
G10 (Ground): ECAH | Discourse and Ethics in Media and Politics
G12 (Ground): ECE | Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
G13 (Ground): EGen | Lifespan Health Promotion
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Gender & Sexuality in Literatures
14:35-14:50: Coffee Break
14:50-16:30: Onsite Parallel Session 4
B07 (Basement): ECE | Language Learning and Teaching Experiences
B08 (Basement): ECE | Concerns in Higher Education Institutions
B09 (Basement): ECE | Comparative Learners' Behaviours
B17 (Basement): ECAH | Teaching and Learning the Arts
G08 (Ground): ECLL | Applied Linguistics Research
G09 (Ground): ECE | Culture and Language
G10 (Ground): ECAH | Arts and Politics of Space
G12 (Ground): ECE | International Education
G13 (Ground): EGen | Supercentenarians & Ageism
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Women in Comparative Humanities
16:30-16:45: Coffee Break
16:45-18:25: Onsite Parallel Session 5
B07 (Basement): ECE | Language Learning and Teaching Experiences
B08 (Basement): ECE | Comparative Issues in Higher Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
B17 (Basement): ECAH | Other Humanities
G08 (Ground): EGen | Literacy
G09 (Ground): ECE | AI & Education
G10 (Ground): ECAH | Politics in Arts & Culture
G12 (Ground): ECE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
G13 (Ground): EGen | Lifespan Health Promotion and Resilience
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Humanities and Religions in Literature
Conference Venue: Torrington Place Training Centre, University College London
08:45-09:15: Conference Check-in
09:15-10:55: Onsite Parallel Session 1
B07 (Basement): ECE | Perspectives on Teaching in the Contemporary Context
B08 (Basement): ECE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Education, Sustainability & Society
B17 (Basement): ECLL | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administrative
G08 (Ground): ECE | Technology & Education
G09 (Ground): ECE | Leadership & Entrepreneurship in Education
G10 (Ground): ECLL | Educational Technologies
G12 (Ground): ECE | Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
G13 (Ground): EGen | Built Environment
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Politics & Identity
10:55-11:10: Coffee Break
11:10-12:25: Onsite Parallel Session 2
B07 (Basement): ECE | Professional Development
B08 (Basement): ECE | Curriculum Design, Development & Policy
B09 (Basement): ECE | Education, Sustainability & Society
B17 (Basement): ECE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
G08 (Ground): ECE | Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education
G09 (Ground): ECE | Leadership & Professional Development in Education
G10 (Ground): ECLL | Learning Environments
G12 (Ground): ECE | Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
G13 (Ground): EGen | Elderly Empowerment and Silver Economy
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Story Telling in the Arts
12:25-12:40: Coffee Break
12:40-14:20: Onsite Parallel Session 3
B07 (Basement): ECLL | Professional Development
B08 (Basement): ECE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
B17 (Basement): ECE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administrative
G08 (Ground): ECAH | Technology & Education
G09 (Ground): ECE | Higher Education
G10 (Ground): ECE | Design & Implementation of Technologies in Education
G12 (Ground): ECE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
G13 (Ground): EGen | Lifespan Health Promotion
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Data & Technology
14:20-14:35: Coffee Break
14:35-15:50: Onsite Parallel Session 4
B07 (Basement): ECLL | Assessment
B08 (Basement): ECE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
B09 (Basement): ECE | Gender & Identity Issues in Higher Education
B17 (Basement): ECE | Educational Research, Development & Publishing
G08 (Ground): ECE | Digital Literacy
G09 (Ground): ECAH | Teaching & Learning
G10 (Ground): ECE | Gender Issues in Higher Education
G12 (Ground): ECE | Interdisciplinary Issues in Education
G13 (Ground): EGen | Public Policy
G20 (Ground): ECAH | Media & Film Studies
15:50-16:05: Coffee Break
16:05-17:45 Onsite Parallel Session 5
B07 (Basement): ECE | issues in Academic Writing & Publication
B08 (Basement): ECE | Curriculum Design & Development
B09 (Basement): ECE | Education, Sustainability & Society
B17 (Basement): ECE | Assessment Theories & Methodologies
G08 (Ground): ECE | Mathematics Teaching Experiences
G09 (Ground): ECE | Primary & Secondary Education
G10 (Ground): ECE | Technology & Education
G12 (Ground): ECE | Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
G13 (Ground): EGen | Built Environment
G20 (Ground): ECE | Primary & Secondary Education
17:45-17:55: Onsite Closing Session | Room G13
Conference Venue: Online via Zoom
07:55-08:00: Message from IAFOR
08:00-09:40: Online Parallel Session 1
Room A (Live-Stream): ECAH | Religion and History in Literature
Room B (Live-Stream): ECAH | Teaching and Learning Experiences
Room C (Live-Stream): ECE | Curriculum Design and Development
Room D (Live-Stream): ECE | Comparative Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
Room E (Live-Stream): ECE | Innovative Technology in Education
09:40-09:50: Break
09:50-11:05: Online Parallel Session 2
Room A (Live-Stream): ECAH | Film and Literature Studies
Room B (Live-Stream): ECE | Learning Experiences, Student Learning and Learner Diversity (Workshop)
Room C (Live-Stream): ECE | Contemporary Issues in Educational Institutions
Room D (Live-Stream): ECLL | Applied Linguistics Research
Room E (Live-Stream): ECE | Sustainability and inclusivity in Education
11:05-11:15: Break
11:15-12:55: Online Parallel Session 3
Room A (Live-Stream): EGen | Politics and Development
Room B (Live-Stream): ECE | Learner's Diversity and Inclusivity
Room C (Live-Stream): ECE | Issues in Alternative Education
Room D (Live-Stream): ECE | Foreign Languages Education
Room E (Live-Stream): ECE | Innovative Technology in Education
12:55-13:05: Break
13:05-14:45: Online Parallel Session 4
Room A (Live-Stream): ECAH | Arts Theory and Criticism
Room B (Live-Stream): ECLL | Culture and Language
Room C (Live-Stream): ECE | Professional Training, Development and Concerns in Education
Room D (Live-Stream): ECLL | Language, Linguistics
Room E (Live-Stream): ECLL | Innovative Technology in Education
14:45-14:55: Break
14:55-16:35: Online Parallel Session 5
Room A (Live-Stream): ECAH | Arts, Media and Society
16:35-16:40: Message from IAFOR
Grant BlackChuo University, Japan
Anne BoddingtonKingston University, UK
Praminda Caleb-SollyUniversity of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Evangelia ChrysikouUniversity College London, UK
Joseph HaldaneThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Alfonso J. García-OsunaHofstra University, United States
Donald E. HallBinghamton University, United States
Brendan HoweEwha Womans University, South Korea
David MallowsUCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Ljiljana MarkovićEuropean Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD), United Nations’ University for Peace
James W. McNallyUniversity of Michigan & NACDA Program on Aging, United States
Cian O’DonovanUniversity College London (UCL), United Kingdom
Neelam RainaMiddlesex University, United Kingdom
Ana Pellicer-SánchezUCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Marcelo StaricoffUniversity of Sussex, United Kingdom
Featured Presentations
Providing Access to Higher Education for Refugees: Challenges and BenchmarksKeynote Presentation: Brendan Howe
The Joy of Not Knowing and Why It’s So Brilliant to Not Know!Keynote Presentation: Marcelo Staricoff
Educating for Peace: Conflicting Narratives, Migration, Immigration and Global CitizenshipPlenary Panel Discussion: Donald E. Hall, Brendan Howe, Ljiljana Marković, Anne Boddington
Helping Us to Help Ourselves – How Assistive Robots and AI Can Change the Dynamics of Supporting Healthy Ageing and Social CareKeynote Presentation: Praminda Caleb-Solly
The Examination of Eye Movements in Language Learning Research: A Focus on VocabularyKeynote Presentation: Ana Pellicer-Sánchez
How to Destroy a UniversityKeynote Presentation: Donald E. Hall
Humanities at the Helm: Mobilising Scholars to Confront the Planetary Climate CrisisKeynote Presentation: Alfonso J. García-Osuna
Invisiblised and Erased Narratives – Essential Views from the MarginsKeynote Presentation: Neelam Raina
Artificial Intelligence and Innovation DemocracyKeynote Presentation: Cian O’Donovan
AI and EducationKeynote Presentation: David Mallows
An Introduction to the IAFOR Undergraduate Research Symposium (IURS)Special Seminar Session: Grant Black, James W. McNally
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.
Important Information Emails
All registered attendees will receive an Important Information email and updates in the run-up to the conference. Please check your email inbox for something from "". If you can not find these emails in your normal inbox, it is worth checking in your spam or junk mail folders as many programs filter out emails this way. If these did end up in one of these folders, please add the address to your acceptable senders' folder by whatever method your email program can do this.
Conference Programme & Abstract Book
The online version of the Conference Programme is now available to view below via the Issuu viewing platform. Alternatively, download a PDF version. The Conference Programme can also be viewed on the Issuu website (requires a web browser). An Issuu app is available for Android users.
The Conference Programme contains access information, session information and a detailed day-to-day presentation schedule.
Pre-Recorded Virtual Presentations
A number of presenters have submitted pre-recorded virtual video presentations. We encourage you to watch these presentations and provide feedback through the video comments.
Previous Programming
View details of programming for past ECLL conferences via the links below.